
Josefin Hjert

Interaction design student






At the moment, I am working on developing an interactive prototype for an application whose purpose is to create a stronger community between dog owners living in the same area. The application is intended to serve as a social platform where dog owners can, among other things, propose common walks, make plans for playdates and request or offer help with dog watches. The prototype for this application has been designed as part of a civic design project.

Before the prototype began to take shape, a couple of interviews with dog owners were conducted to investigate the relationship with other dog owners in their area today. Based on the data found during the interviews, a prototype began to take shape. The creation of the prototype took place in an iterative process, initially just by some simple sketches, but then developed into an interactive prototype created in POP by Marvel.


This project is still in development and will be updated soon.


In a course on evaluation methods, I together with two other classmates conducted a usability test of the website carglass.se This study was conducted in collaboration with Carglass Sweden AB and intended to investigate the usability of their online booking process. During the study, a total of eleven stakeholders participated.


In order to evaluate usability, measurements were made for efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction. The data collection methods used during the study were surveys, observations and screen recordings of the booking process. The result of the data collected during the study showed that the usability was good but that there still were parts that could be improved. The result of the study then formed the basis for the improvement proposals presented to Carglass Sweden AB.




During a course in spring 2018, I made a semiotic inspection of the Swish app and its payment function. Swish is a mobile payment service that offers a quick and easy way to transfer money. The purpose of the task was to analyze a system using the evaluation method semiotic inspection and then present the result with a proposal for redesign.


The semiotic inspection was conducted in five steps. In the first step, an inspection was made of how the application is profiling. In the second and third steps, an inspection of static and dynamic characters was made and what they convey to the user. In the

fourth step, a comparison was made between what was communicated in step one and what is communicated in steps two and three. In the last step, an overall inspection of the meta-communication was then made. The result of the inspection showed that the application had a good meta-communication and that Swish managed to communicate its vision to users through the system's signs.


During my education in interaction design at Stockholm University, a course in participatory design was conducted. During the course we were to conduct a project in accordance with the participatory design method. Participatory design is a method that invites users to participate throughout the whole design process. During our project four different steps were performed when the user was to participate. These elements consisted of contextual exploration, a future workshop, prototyping and the valuation of various design proposals.

During the project, I assumed the role of moderator, organizer and, in some part, observer. As a moderator, it was my responsibility to guide the users through the various methodological exercises, how they would be performed and the purpose of the method. In my role as organizer, I was responsible for local bookings and would also ensure that there were materials in place to perform the methods. During the first method exercise, I, along with the other group members, would also be responsible for observing the users.


Together with the users, a prototype was created TvättAPPEN, an application that would make it easier to book and get a timeslot to spend time in the laundry room.




Would you like to work together or simply chat about a project? Don't hesitate to contact me.